Monday 3 April 2017

What are the different types of surfboards?

There are lots of different types of surfboards. the following are the most common. The first is the fun board. This is a general name for all surfboards that have more volume, which in return allows you to catch more waves much more easily. They normally range from 7 to 9 feet. They are excellent for beginners. The next type is the fish board. This board is shorter than the fun board. These are better for quick turning, however the fun boards are a much smoother ride as its area is much larger. The short board are the most famous boards, which are used by professionals and more advanced surfers, as they are much thinner and shorter than the fun boards. They are normally range from 5 to 7 feet. The are incredibly agile and have very sharp turning, ideal for more classy surfing. The next type is the long board. These measure from 8 to 11 feet. It is very easy to catch waves with these boards, however they are difficult to maneuver. The final board is the stand up paddle board, which is more commonly referred to as an SUP board. It is a much larger and fatter board, measuring from 10 to 12 feet. It is designed for standing on while paddling. You can use these boards for anything, from small waves, to big waves, to following rivers.

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